The Word Bible Software 3.0


The Word Bible Software The Word; Original author(s) Costas Stergiou: Developer(s) Costas. The installer is included in the main installer of version 3.0. A person could spend his or her whole life studying and trying to understand the Bible, and we feel that the same can be said of The Word Bible Software.

Download the free evaluation to see how SwordSearcher can enhance your Bible study now! (Includes a sample of the study library.) Fast, easy to use, and comprehensive.

The tools you need for effective Bible study. Fast and powerful. Innovative and ™ technology.

Know what is available at a glance with the. Easily share Scripture in email or other documents with verse auto-paste. A huge, without the hassle or cost of print.

The Word Bible Software Reviews

See, and a. the free evaluation version, or the full version with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. SwordSearcher is designed by Bible Believers for Bible Believers. The primary purpose of SwordSearcher is to improve Bible study and to help the Christian: 'Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.' —2 Timothy 2:15, KJV.


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The SwordSearcher program name and logo come from Ephesians 6:17: 'And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.' SwordSearcher is designed to help Christians become better wielders of the sword of the Spirit. Scripture is inspired by God (2Ti 3:16), holy and able to make wise (2Ti 3:15), comforting (Ro 15:4), for reasoning (Ac 17:2), and is truth (Joh 17:17). This study tool is presented with the hope that it will be used by the Holy Spirit to aid the believer to 'continue in the faith grounded and settled' (Col 1:23).

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